
Sunday, December 27, 2009


By the way, I bought something in Miyakojima - photos when I've unpacked... I first saw Okinawan shisaa in Taketomi 2 years ago... Well...

More photos from Miyakojima!

Well, I've just added some more photos from my holiday in Miyakojima. I've tried to keep the photos of sugarcane to a minimum - there is a lot of sugarcane and it is beautiful. Apparently sugarcane takes 2 years to harvest, hence the difference in heights.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Well, I'm on holiday here on Miyakojima in Okinawa. You can find some photos from the last couple of days to the link on the right - more to come!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Tokyo Metro Manners poster

December 2009

Please do not pass out on the metro - do it at home...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas classroom

The artistic prowess of children aged 5 to 11 at one of my schools...Colourful, innit?!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Moved house!

Oh, it's been a long time again since I've written on this blog!

For those of you that don't know, I've recently moved house again. Still pretty much within the same area, but this time to a whole house instead of a 1K studio flat! And because it's an older place and further from the station, it's cheaper. Although it needs some money spent on it, and I'm renting so don't want to spend too much, it really is rather nice. It's got parquet wooden flooring throughout and two traditional tatami rooms complete with shoji paper screens at the windows. And heated toilets and a heated bath. All rather nice! 

So anyway, what with moving, cleaning, unpacking, working, going out and Christmas preparations, I've been (and still am) rather busy!

No (or perhaps little) Japanese on the blog for the time being, because I want to write on the blog but have very little spare time right now...
That's it for now cos I've reached my stop!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cricket maybe... コオロギかな。。。


This strange creature was lurking outside my door yesterday!  Is it a cricket?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Typhoon continued

Well, woke up at 5am to a little bit of rain, but when I got up just before 7 this morning, it was a beautiful sunny day (up 9 degrees from yesterday to 26C). Very windy though! From the news, the typhoon headed a bit further north than my area. Quite a lot of flight and train cancellations and delays throughout the country, as there were yesterday as the edge arrived.

Because of train cancellations on connecting lines that use bridges, my usually quite quiet local train line was ridiculously crowded ー glad it was just one stop before I had to change trains! I'm at school now and I can see the station from the window. There is a poor station attendant who has all day been pretty much continuously sweeping up leaves that are being blown up the stairs. What a thankless task! Imagine his conversation when he gets home tonight: 'So what did you do today?','I swept up leaves','Anything else?','No, that's all my boss told me to do...'

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Typhoon number 18 台風18番

Having a bit of weather here... At the moment it's just a bit on the breezy and wet side, but this 'super-typhoon' is due to make landfall here tomorrow morning. Should make things interesting...

Flowerpots, table and chairs all inside...!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Black Tights Day, Hooray! 黒いタイツの日を万歳!


At last, today is Black Tights Day! I'm sure women are the same wherever they live, there is always one day in Autumn when you know that you can start wearing black tights. You can go into Autumn clothes perhaps a couple of weeks earlier, but the first day of wearing black tights really marks the first day of Autumn.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Rice crop art

This is amazing! Some enterprising regions of Japan are creating artwork out of planting different varieties of rice...

And a JAL advert created the same way another year... and video as they decided they didn't like it after all...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

両親のねこ My parents' cats

I couldn't resist putting a couple of pictures of my parents' two cats on here. They're brothers, and getting on for 2 years old now. Aren't they sweet?!

They get on really well together, but play fight sometimes, just as brothers do!

月見 Moon Viewing

In Japan, it's traditional in the Autumn to enjoy the beauty of the moon on a clear night. Last night, the moon was particularly bright and beautiful. Actually it was best as I came home from work, because it was lower and bigger in the sky, but I didn't take the picture until later! Maybe I'll get another chance in the next couple of nights. in which case I'll update.

In Japan, McDonalds even sell a sell a special seasonal burger called a tsukimi burger (moon viewing burger). The version with cheese is one of my favourite burgers, the burger is made all the more special because you can only buy it for part of September!

Tsukimi is traditionally a time for celebrating the Autumn harvest. I hear that it's traditional to eat dango, which are delicious sweet dumplings made from rice flour, whilst watching the moon. I occasionally buy the 'skewered with sweetened soy sauce version' throughout the year from the supermarket.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

RHS Rosemoor, Devon, England


The middle of this month, I went back to England for a holiday to see family and friends there. I had a lovely time! One day, my parents took me to Rosemoor Garden in Devon, I've always wanted to go to one of the RHS gardens. It was so beautiful! Have a look at the link to see some more photos.

総選挙 General Election


It's the General Election today in Japan. It's expected that the Liberal Democratic Party will relinquish their hold, and the Democratic Party of Japan will become the ruling party...

It's said that policy-wise, the DPJ will gain power because of frustrations over the economy, and a loss of confidence in the LDP to deal with issues such as the rising national debt and rapidly aging population. But it's also to do far more with the desire for change. The LDP have been in almost unbroken power for 54 years, and a DPJ Prime Minister (probably Yukio Hatoyama) is seen to be able to bring change. We shall see...

豚インフルエンザ Swine flu

最近、日本で豚インフルエンザは新しいインフルエンザと言う。でも西洋でまだ略式で「Swine Flu」豚インフルエンザと言う。



Recently in Japan, people are calling swine flu the new flu. But in Western countries it's still informally known as swine flu.

In Japan, swine flu was slowly rising. Two weeks ago, the number of new cases stood at 11,636. But, also according to the news, this week, the number of new cases rocketed to 150,000 in one week. Last week the schools went back...

In much the same way as the UK government published a worst case scenario figure a couple of months back, the Japanese health ministry have published a figure that up to 760,000 people in Japan could become infected daily at the peak of the epidemic expected in late September, early October.

So far I don't know anyone who has had it, but I feel it's only a matter of time... I shall continue my obsessive hand-washing after every lesson and every time I'm near a sink and disinfecting my hands so many times a day!

A vaccination isn't expected to be available until after the epidemic peaks in the first wavel...

久しぶりにブログに書く Writing on the blog for the first time in ages!

久しぶりね?! 今日、ブログの日のつもりだ!また掃除と勉強をしなければならない。。。

It's been a long time, eh?! I do intend to write on the blogs today. I must also do some cleaning and study...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Junrenka by Shounannokaze, again! また、湘南乃風の純恋歌

Well, I've been working again today...

Some considerable time ago, I posted the kanji and furigana lyrics to Junrenka, and said that there was a translation to follow. Well, inspired today, and with some help from a Japanese website, here is my attempt...

English Translation (thanks to for the initial translation, to which I have made some changes - for the better I hope!)

When I close my eyes, there you are, shining the most brightly amongst one hundred billion stars
For the first time I mean it from the heart; ring out into the night sky, love song

My best girlfriend, you made delicious pasta
I’m fell in love at first sight with a family-oriented type of girl
Poor people are not successful, that’s a load of rubbish; I look at them, and they’re laughing and having fun
I’m soothed by their tender smiles, deeply in love

I was happy, happy, and skipping, quite unlike me
“I want to say I love you” I was transfixed by you who were staring at the hazy moon
For the first time, I thought “this is a woman that I want to protect”
Making a serious face, I held you tight

When I close my eyes, there you are, shining the most brightly amongst one hundred billion stars
For the first time I mean it from the heart; ring out into the night sky, love song

Because of that we’ll always be together, you and I
Recently it’s been said that it’s bad for us to see each other
But one way or another, I’m going to watch tenderly over you, my gentle lover
Don’t call me “Naa”, it’s such a odd nickname; everyone probably thinks we’re a couple of idiots
But whenever I feel down
You heal me, with your gentle voice

We’re definitely well suited to each other, we understand each other, even though we clash
When we can’t compromise, and we shout and are unfeeling
I get away from the house to go play pachinko, I kill time and calm down
Then with some complimentary cosmetics in hand, I go home to apologize

When I close my eyes, even though the star that I love was shining so bright
Right now the clouds are blocking it out, and I don’t understand why

I’m going, I’m going to see you…
I’m going…
I’m going to see you…

The hazy moon shines down on rows of cherry blossom trees
I drop in on the place that we met, on my way home
The scenery isn’t what has changed, it’s us
I’d anticipated I could see everything, even though it’s something that can’t be seen with the eyes…

I want to be close with you, you want something fresh
Even though you do it all for me, I do it all for myself
As the the spring night breeze blows on me, I’m struck by memories
The wounds have multiplied, I grasp the precious things I’ve been reminded of

I’m going to see you, let’s walk hand in hand
I definitely won’t let go, even when our hands go weak from old age
We’ll fight as many times as we have grey hairs, and our happiness will be as great as our wrinkles
Let’s live and feel together

Love song, I can’t live alone anymore
I’d like to have you at my side all the time
Love song, I’m won't make you sad anymore
Looking up to the sky, that’s what I swore
Love song, I proclaim my love with this awkward song
All stupid men sing about love
Listen to it with me, at my side
Love song, over and over again

Love song…let’s talk about everything
Love song…let’s make a promise

When I close my eyes, there you are, shining the most brightly amongst one hundred billion stars
For the first time I mean it from my heart; ring out into the night sky, love song

When I close my eyes, I want you to be shining the most brightly amongst the one hundred billion stars
I won’t forget again, the night that I held you tight
Reach out, love song

※目(め)を閉(と)じれば 億千(おくせん)の星(ほし) 一番(いちばん)光(ひか)るお前(まえ)がいる

初(はじ)めて一途(いちず)になれたよ 夜空(よぞら)へ響(ひび)け愛(あい)のうた

大親友(だいしんゆう)の彼女(かのじょ)の連(つ)れ おいしいパスタ作(つく)ったお前(まえ)

家庭的(かていてき)な女(おんな)がタイプの俺(おれ) 一目惚(ひとめぼ)れ

大貧民(だいひんみん)負(ま)けてマジ(まじ)切(ぎ)れ それ見(み)て笑(わら)って楽(たの)しいねって

優(やさ)しい笑顔(えがお)にまた癒(いや)されて ベタ惚(ぼ)れ

嬉(うれ)しくて嬉(うれ)しくて 柄(がら)にもなくスキップして

「好(す)きって言(い)いてぇ」 おぼろげな月(つき)を見(み)つめる君(きみ)に釘付(くぎづ)け

守(まも)りたい女(おんな)って思(おも)った 初(はじ)めて

まじめな顔(かお)して ギュッと抱(だ)きしめた

※ Repeat

あれからずっと一緒(いっしょ)だよな お前(まえ)と俺(おれ)


なんだかんだ温(あたた)かく見守(みまも)ってくれてる 優(やさ)しい連(つ)れ

「なぁ」変(へん)なあだ名(な)で呼(よ)ぶなよ 皆(みんな)バカップルだと思(おも)うだろ


助(たす)けてくれる お前(まえ)の優(やさ)しい声(こえ)

きっとお似合(にあ)いな二人(ふたり) 共(とも)に解(わか)り合(あ)って 重(かさ)なり合(あ)っても

折(お)り合(あ)いがつかない時(とき)は 自分(じぶん)がってに怒鳴(どな)りまくって

パチンコ屋逃(やに)げ込(こ)み 時間(じかん)つぶし て気持(きも)ち落(お)ち着(つ)かせて

景品(けいひん)の化粧品持(けしょうひんも)って 謝(あやま)りに行(い)こう

目(め)を閉(と)じれば 大好(だいす)きな星(ほし) あんなに輝(かがや)いてたのに

今(いま)では雲(くも)がかすめたまま それが何故(なぜ)かも分からぬまま


桜並木照(さくらなみきて)らすおぼろ月(づき) 出逢(であ)った(ふたり)二人(ふたり)の場所(ばしょ)に帰(かえ)りに一人寄(ひとりよ)り道(みち) 変(か)わらぬ景色(けしき) 変(か)わったのは俺(おれ)ら二人(ふたり) すべて見えてたつもり


馴(な)れ合(あ)いを求(もと)める俺(おれ) 新鮮(しんせん)さを求(もと)めるお前(まえ)

お前(まえ)は俺(おれ)のために なのに俺(おれ)はのため

春(はる)の夜風(よかぜ)に打(う)たれ 思(おも)い出(で)に殴(なぐ)られ 傷重(きずかさ)ねて 気付(きづ)かされた大事(だいじ)なもの握(にぎ)りしめ

今(いま)すぐ会(あ)いに行(yu)くよ 手(て)を繫(つな)いで歩(ある)こう

絶対離(ぜったいはな)さない その手(て)ヨボヨボになっても

白髪(しらが)の数喧嘩(かずけんか)して しわの分(ぶん)だけの幸(しあわ)せ


LOVE SONG もう一人(ひとり)じゃ生(い)きてけねえよ


LOVE SONG もう悲(かな)しませたりしねえよ


LOVE SONG ヘタクソ(へたくそ)な歌(うた)で愛(あい)を バカな男(おとこ)が愛(あい)を歌(うた)おう


LOVE SONG 何度(なんど)でも何度(なんど)でも

LOVE SONG… 何(なん)でも(ば)話(はな)そう

LOVE SONG… 約束(やくそく)しよう

※ Repeat

目(め)を閉(と)じれば 億千(おくせん)の星(ほし) 一番光(いちばんひか)るおまえが欲(ほ)しいと

ギュッと抱(だ)きしめた夜(よる)はもう二度(にど)と忘(わす)れない 届(とど)け愛(あい)のうた

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

But the rainy season has finished...?

Oh come on, what shoes am I going to wear today eh?! Maybe it'll have stopped in a couple of hours when I have to go out? Otherwise I'm going to be wading through a small stream to get to the station...

Whilst we get rain all year in Japan, we do have a distinct rainy season during June and up to mid-July. The rainy season was announced to be finished a couple of weeks ago, so this is just too much rain!

Update: fortunately it stopped at half past seven and the water all drained away quickly! It's now 8am and the sun's even trying to come out. Given it's due to be 27C (a bit cooler today!), it should be dry soon if it doesn't rain again.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Google Earth

It occurs to me that I really haven't been making the most of Google Earth! Of course, this is the ideal way of spotting potential countryside walks! Together with Navitime GPS, I've just planned some more walks... And all within about an hour's train ride heading away from Tokyo!

Countryside in Sanuki, Joban Line

Well, I rate that as a very successful morning! As far as hiking guidebooks in English are concerned, they tend to focus on the west or north of Tokyo. As I live in the north-west of Chiba, this means a good 2.5 hour train journey to get to suggested walks.

This morning, I had intended to go again to Mount Takao, so was on a train at 6:10... Of course, it was packed with people going to work, so I decided to go in the opposite direction, and see where that got me. If there aren't any suggested walks for this area, then I'll have to find my own!

I decided to use the Joban line towards Katsuta in Ibaraki and use the journey to make a note of nice bits of countryside close to stations. (It looks like the riverside walking at Tennodai and Fujishiro stations might be nice, and also the countryside near Sanuki (this post) and Takahama station.) I thought about going to Hitachi Seaside Park and getting a bus from Ishioka station, but changed my mind by the time I reached that station! Fortunately, you can travel on a train and just double back if you fall asleep or change your mind, and it doesn't cost you any extra, so I got the train back for 30 minutes to Sanuki station, where I had been the most impressed by the countryside. Incidentally, there are quite a few towns called Sanuki in Japan - this one is in Ryuugasaki City, Ibaraki Prefecture.

Walking along the road next to the tracks, on the right-hand side, heading to Ushiku for about 10 minutes leads you a small track over a bridge. From there, you can just follow whatever little road or dirt track, through allotments and rice fields, that you choose.

Next time, I will try not to play with my phone so much on the train journey, so that my phone battery has rather more charge for my GPS... Lucky really I had my charger and that kept me going until I got to a station at 1pm - there weren't many people around. Even if there were, directing me to a station down dirt tracks 45 minutes walk away wouldn't have been easy! I might get a paper map of the area now too.

And a short video clip of a rice field - I love the movement and the sound, as the wind blows!

So that was Sanuki, which can be done in under an hour by train. The name also appealed because it was just one syllable different to the Japanese racoon dog, the tanuki...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tesco Express

Went to the Tesco Express in Chiba Chuo today. Not a lot of interest perhaps, but I did manage to get some own brand baked beans about half the price of Heinz. Baked beans are a luxury imported item here!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Holiday in Nikko 日光の休み

Yesterday, I got back from Nikko after a very enjoyable 3 day break. The countryside around Nikko is so beautiful, and there's lots of wildlife too, I saw many birds and butterflies, snakes, squirrels and monkeys. I'm looking forward to my next trip there!

The first day I spent looking around the temple area of Nikko, and had a delicious yuba (tofu skin) and soba (buckwheat noodle) soup lunch. The 2nd day I spent walking in the countryside, had a few short conversations with Japanese walkers, and one couple very kindly gave me some grilled chicken to have with my lunch! Although the temperature reached 32-33C that day, it didn't feel too bad in the shade of the forests. And I bought a bottle of frozen green tea from the convenience store which lasted cold all day in my shoulder coolbag, as well as keeping my salad and rice ball chilled!

Photos and commentary in English are in the two links to the right (Nikko and Tobu World Square).


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wander around Nippori 日暮里の散歩

Went for a long-intended bit of a wander around Nippori today. It's a nice old area of Tokyo with lots of old houses and temples, along with a Swiss chalet serving lunchtime sandwiches... Which is where I took the picture of the butterfly! More photos to the right link.


Monday, June 15, 2009

A couple of musings

Firstly, after my long mountain walk yesterday, and hundreds and hundreds of steps, I can no longer walk without pain! Particularly going down stairs. And I won't be sleeping in my loft tonight, it was hard enough getting down the ladder this morning, and I've seized up even more now!

Then, just now I went to the supermarket to get a few things. It's been a pretty good day today weather-wise, but when I left the supermarket the heavens had already opened. Well, it is the rainy season, after all! And, given I didn't have far to go, it was actually rather a nice reminder that I live in a sub-tropical country! And speaking of the rain, I was reminded of something that I noticed when first coming here on holiday... People cycle with umbrellas here - not something I've seen anywhere else. One of my students asked me the other week what British cyclists did when it rained, if we didn't carry umbrellas... We just get wet of course!

Ikea Meatballs

After visiting Koishikawa Korakuen, I went to Ikea for delicious meatballs for lunch. As you can see they are exactly the same as Ikea meatballs everywhere. But I bet you don't get ice cold green tea to drink with yours in England!

I also bought these poppy giant wall stickers for my flat, which I'm rather pleased with...

Koishikawa Korakuen 小石川後楽園

Today I went to Koishikawa Korakuen, which is a garden near Iidabashi in Tokyo. Beautiful! More photos to the link at the right.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

鋸山  Nokogiri Mountain

Well, a long time ago when I first started this blog and went to Ushiku Daibutsu, I cam across Mountaincat's post on Nokogiryama. Ever since then, I've been meaning to go to Nokogiri, and finally did so today!

Wanted to get there before the coachloads, so got up at 5am and got a train around 5:45 which, after a few changes, got me to Hamakanaya Station just before 8:30. The ropeway is just a 10 minute walk away from the station.

It was well worth the early start, and despite the rainy season having started here last week, the weather luckily stayed dry! Even though it felt very early, I really appreciated the beuatiful scenery as I got about 1 hour or so from Nokogiri. I saw ducks paddling in the corner of a rice field, and even two llamas in a field surprisingly!

The tourist leaflet that I got says that the great Buddha statue was well known all over Japan. It does say 'was well known'... Certainly very few people I've spoken knew about it before the documentary on NHK the other week... It was a really beautiful area, and very green, really nice!

More photos to the right link.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

ILOHAS twistable pet bottle

Coca Cola has recently launched a new brand of water ILOHAS in a lightweight PET bottle. The idea is that once you've finished drinking the bottle can be twisted into a much much smaller size (about 40% less than other PET bottles apparently). This makes it more environmentally friendly - see short video clip:

However, there's a problem... I used to buy my water bottles and then refill and reuse them a few times. These lightweight bottles can't really be refilled, because they squash too easily. Until the novelty wears off, these are so much fun to twist that I'm going to get through way more than an extra 40%...!

Tokyo Metro etiquette posters

The range so far of etiquette posters on Tokyo Metro... Click on each poster to see a close-up.

Packed like sardines 鮨詰め

昨日新単語を習った。英語で「The train was packed like a tin of sardines」と言う。日本語で「電車は鮨詰めだった」と言う。

I learnt a new word yesterday 鮨詰め (すしづめ)。 It's what people say in Japanese to describe people packed like sardines! It means that people are packed together like the rice grains in sushi!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Junk mail


Every day people get junk mail in Japan. Still, no problem - my apartment block has a junk mail box underneath the mailboxes. And sometimes I get good junk mail. For example sometimes I get packets of tissues or bath salts. Nice, eh?!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

水街道の坂野家とバラ庭  Sakanoke and Rose Garden, Mizukaidou, Ibaraki

Yesterday I went to a beautiful old house (Sakanoke) and rose garden with a student and her family. The house was getting on to be 300 years old. Unlike many old houses, I understand it hasn't had to be rebuilt due to earthquake or fire. It was absolutely stunning inside, I didn't manage to take any photos I was pleased with but am intending to go back there sometime in the next few weeks if I get the chance.

A few doors down was an absolutely huge private rose garden, with wonderful borrowed scenery of incredible mirrored rice fields as far as the eye could see. The garden itself was made up of smaller gardens and winding natural paths. It was a really enjoyable afternoon!

More photos to the left link.

Monday, May 18, 2009

日本のマスクのメーカーは生産を増える  Japanese mask makers boost production


This time, the article is about Japanese mask manufacturers. I'll update it when I've had the grammar checked...

Japanese mask makers are increasing production to respond to the growing demand caused by the swine flu outbreak.

Nisshinbo Holdings will quadruple its output of masks. The company reports a surge in orders from government offices and firms since the weekend.

Unicharm is also increasing production. On Tuesday alone, the company received as many orders as it does during an entire week in winter.

Unicharm's output usually drops by over 80 percent at this time of year after the cold and hay fever seasons end. But the firm now intends to raise production to nearly 100 percent of capacity.

From NHK World English 29 April 2009.





Thursday, May 14, 2009


I've written the last news article again.










Monday, May 11, 2009


An extraordinary bus stop, eh?!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

19th century office building in Tokyo rebuilt

I was studying this afternoon, and had a go at translating this news article from NHK (published on 27 April) about a reconstruction of the first office building in the Marunouchi business district of Tokyo. As I can no longer get it on the internet, I've copied out the English text... I'm sure the grammar in Japanese version is very dodgy...!

Here is the museum website with a picture Mitsubishi Estate is the largest real estate company in Japan, and would appear to own much of Tokyo and a fair bit of the rest of Japan too, as well as having fully bought out Rockefeller Group in New York in 1989.

In fact, as people who live in Tokyo will know, the whole are is being rebuilt/restored.


A nineteenth century office building in central Tokyo has been reconstructed using portions of the original plans and materials. The reborn structure will function as a museum.

The building, owned by Mitsubishi Estate, was opened to the media on Monday.

The Mitsubishi Ichigokan, or Number One, building was completed in 1894 as the first office space in the Marunouchi district of Tokyo.

British architect Josaih Conder designed the original brick structure with 3 floors and a basement. It was demolished in 1968.

It took about 2 years to reconstruct the building using about 2.3 million bricks. The exterior was faithfully reconstructed based on blueprints and photographs of the original structure.

The new space, to be called the Mitcubishi Ichigokan Museum, has about 20 rooms spread over 3 floors where art works - mainly 19th-century Western paintings - are due to be displayed.

There will also be a cafe on the first floor.

The building is to open to the public in April of next year.










Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Food to make your mouth water

This is really just to say that recently I've been spending more time cooking because it's been a holiday, and so haven't added anything to this blog. However, if you're interested in seeing a little of what I've been up to over the last couple of weeks, have a look at my other blog (only in English) Food to make your mouth water!

Monday, April 20, 2009




Recently, I've started proper Japanese lessons again. I'm still studying once a week with a friend, but I feel that I need a bit more practice. In these lessons I don't study grammar, just focus on conversation. In today's lesson, I had to explain an English news article in Japanese. A touch tricky, but fun!

After that, we took the train together and talked. At those times, for example on the train, in a coffee shop, a bar and so on, I feel that everybody is paying attention to my Japanese! So I usually get a bit lost for words. Soon, I hope that I'll get over this block and be able to think clearly and talk without panicking!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hooray!! I've finally managed to get rid of the 'Read more' caption on my posts!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Narita Drum Festival continued

This video shows some of the drumming groups around the town, before the parade started.

This video shows scenes from the parade, including the wrestling drummers (from 58s to 1min36) and the Okinawan style drummers (at the end).

This video shows scenes from the last half of the parade including the final steel drum group (from 18s to the end). If you like these steel drummers, then you're absolutely going to love the steel drumming performance on Mountaincat's blog - I especially appreciated the music from 'My Neighbour Totoro' from 5 minutes until the end!

This final video shows a very lively and happy group of drumming teenagers - absolutely fantastic!

Still photos at the left link...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Narita Drum Festival 成田の太鼓祭り

Today I went to the Narita Taiko Festival... Took loads of pictures and video clips so it might take a while to get them up... I'm not sure how to edit videos yet... In the meantime, here is a unedited clip of one of the acts... Enjoy!

Happy Easter!

Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter!


Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday 聖金曜日


Yes, well, today is Good Friday and you can't get Hot Cross Buns in Japan so imagination is important...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weather 天気


These days the weather is beautiful, really warm. And tomorrow it's going to get up to 22C - nice eh?! More natural apparently is 気温が22度になる in the last sentence.

Cherry Blossom 桜

Some cherry blossom pictures from the weekend! 週末の桜の写真だ。