
Monday, December 31, 2007

明けましておめでとうございます! Happy New Year!



よあけ - dawn

はつひので - first sunrise


(い形容詞+名詞)+といい(です)I hope that it is a + i-adj+noun

Happy New Year!: This is maybe the first time I've got up at the dawn of a New Year! It's the dawn of a New Year and I hope it's a happy 2008 for all my family and friends!

大晦日 New Year's Eve

大晦日が楽しかった! そばを食べた、あとで初めての紅白歌合戦を見ました。面白かった!

大晦日(おおみそか)- New Year's Eve
紅白歌合戦(こうはっくうたがっせん) - New Year's Eve music show (since 1951). Literally means Red and White Battle (red team are male vocals, white team are female vocals)
じょや - New Year's temple bell
つりがね - temple bell
Well, this New Year's Eve was fun! After eating my buckwheat noodles (popular food anyway, but traditional on New Year's Eve to ensure a long and happy life) I watched Kouhaku Uta Gassen for the first time on television, it was interesting/funny. (Hearing the Japanese version of Auld Lang Syne was good too!) After that, I went to listen to people lining up to toll the local temple bell.

けいたいでブログを書けるかな。Blog by mobile


Maybe I can write a blog by mobile phone: Yes! That's useful! Now, I can write everyday...

新年の目標 New Year's Resolution





新年(しんねん)- new year
目標(もくひょう) - resolution
なおる - improve
しあわせ - happy
いっしょうけんめい - hard
にっき - diary
にきちょう - diary book
ちゅうこく - advice
従う(したがう)- to follow, conform
じしょ - dictionary
ひく - to look up a word
おもったこと - thought
リラックスをする - relax, unwind
あそぶ - have fun
動詞(どうし)- verb

動詞(-う+えば)if/provided that (I, you etc) + verb
日本語をなおればしあわせだ。If I improve my Japanese, I will be happy.
いっしょうけんめいべんきょうすれば、日本語をおぼえる。If I study hard, I will remember Japanese.
動詞(+べきです)should + verb
自分のちゅうこくにつくべきだね。I should follow my own advice, shouldn't I?!

31/12/07 New Year's Resolution: If I improve my Japanese, I'll be happy. If I study hard, I will remember Japanese. Always, I tell my students, 'If you keep a diary, your English will improve'. I should follow my own advice, shouldn't I?! I want much more vocabulary, so while I'm writing this diary, I will use a dictionary. Difficult, but important. Last week's holiday in Okinawa was fun. I felt relaxed and enjoyed myself. I'm very happy - I bought a new bike this morning because cycling in Okinawa was great! Using my phone's GPS is very useful!