
Friday, February 29, 2008

やった!お休みだ!Hooray, it's the holiday!


Yay! Today, I'm off to Okinawa. Should be fun! Get there about 16:30. Just about to get the train to the airport.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

イギリスの地震 Earthquake in England


There was an earthquake yesterday in England which is unusual. This one was quite strong, probably shindo 3 or 4, and caused some damage. It was the biggest for 25 years in England.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

大切な期日 Important dates


I can't translate this...

I was wondering why Easter is so early this year (23rd March), and hence all the other dates like Mother's Day, so I did some research.

You may or may not know the reason already...

Easter celebrates the day when Jesus Christ rose from the dead. This occurred on the day after the Jewish festival of Passover. The Jewish calendar is influenced by the moon, and so Easter Day is the first Sunday after the full moon which happens on or after the Spring Equinox (21st March). Each year, Easter Day will be somewhere between 22nd March and 25th April.

Mother's Day in the UK is similar to Mother's Day in other countries (always in May). The reason why it falls on a different day to other countries (this year 2nd March), is because even though Mothering Sunday was only created about 400 years ago, it has its roots in Christianity. It is always on the 4th Sunday of Lent, and on that day people in small villages went to the nearest big church (the Mother Church). Young working English girls and boys were allowed one day off a year to visit their families and this was usually Mothering Sunday.

Churches in England used to give children in Sunday School small bunches of spring flowers to give to their mothers to thank them for all their love throughout the year (maybe they still do). I remember making a card at Sunday School and collecting my bunch of flowers for Mum. I also remember each year on the Saturday going shopping with my brothers and sister to choose flowers from the florist, and some pretty wrapping paper, and then secretly putting the flowers in milk bottles of water in the garage so that they kept cool and fresh. For years I thought that it was a real secret and that Mum had no idea what we were doing! Then on the Sunday, we would get up and wrap the flowers as a bouquet and give them to Mum in the morning. Happy memories!

This morning, I studied te form verb + miru (try verb-ing). So now, I'm trying to write this new grammar!

Monday, February 25, 2008

もうすぐ沖縄に行く!Soon off to Okinawa!


Today I'm making plans for what to see in Okinawa. Staying there for three days, this trip just staying in Naha, but want to take day trips. Thinking about Nago Pineapple Park, Okinawa World and the botanical gardens as possibilities. I'd quite like to go to Chinen Beach again. Of course, not sure what the weather will be like. I'm looking forward to lots of good Okinawan food again! Exciting!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

雛祭り Dolls Festival

今日は私を食事に招かれた。友だちの家族は三人です。娘は10か月から初絶句です。雛人形 がとても面白くてきれいだった。昼ごはんがおいしくて、昼が楽しかった。

Today I was invited to a friend's house for lunch which was lovely. My friend Masayo is married to Taku with a 10 month old baby daughter Leona. This is the time of Hina Matsuri (Girls' Festival or Dolls' Festival), so Masayo wanted me to have the opportunity to see the traditional decorations in a family home. The dolls were so elaborate and beautiful. The display was incredible. Sadly, my pictures do no justice to it at all, hopefully I'll be able to update them. Lunch was absolutely delicious and it was a really fun afternoon.

More information about Hina Matsuri here.

And traditional Hina Matsuri music (played in all supermarkets at the moment!) is here

Saturday, February 23, 2008


At the moment, it's a trifle windy - almost like a typhoon! But it started suddenly this afternoon, with an unexpected dark sky... The trains were very delayed too - about an hour! I was lucky with timing!

春とらしい Feels like Spring


This week, the weather is beautiful. Yesterday it was 14C, today it's 16C! But tomorrow, the temperature goes down to 8C. Well, Spring will come soon!

Friday, February 22, 2008

ヘアカット Haircut


I went for a haircut this morning. My hairdresser is very good. And because he lived in America, his English is excellent.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

書くの Writing


It's difficult to write my blog today... This morning I copied a CD for a friend and forgot my blog, now I can't think of anything to write!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

見ているような人 Couch potato


Uh-oh, this is bad! I can watch British television on the internet... Maybe this is not a good thing! It all started when Mum and Dad told me they were going to watch a programme on Okinawan longevity. I looked on the internet for a summary...

A clip from the programme can be found here:

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

けいたいのカメラ The camera on my phone


Now that I've got the hang of the camera on my phone, I'm pleased with my photos. In Okinawa at Christmas, the pictures didn't turn out well, which was a shame. Next time they'll be better hopefully.

Monday, February 18, 2008

やった!!! Hooray!!!


There are no sick teachers today, so I have a day off!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

今日はお休みかな Today maybe is a day off...


Today is a day off, but I might have to work... I hope the phone doesn't ring!

京王百草園 Keio Mogusa Garden


Yay! I got to Mogusa Garden today! Left at 7, back at 2 - 2 hour jouney each way. It was beautiful although I was perhaps a couple of weeks too early. It will be even more beautiful soon I think. The smell of plum blossom was beautiful. Next year I think I'll visit again in March.

More photos at the link to the left.

Friday, February 15, 2008

めんどうくさい! Annoying!


Yesterday I saw my apartment up on the apartment company's website, because the company now wants to ensure rent after I leave. Seriously?! It's my apartment for another 6 months - I've paid. I'm a little worried because I don't really want to move, although obviously if I have to it's ok. In April or May, I'll be able to cough up for another year! If I lose it though, I lose it - now, I'm looking to see if there is anything better that I can find!

冬のみかんの木 Winter orange tree


When it's cold like now it's easy to forget you live in a subtropical country until you suddenly see an orange tree from the train!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

和歌 Japanese waka poetry


On Tuesday, one of my adult students kindly gave me some copies of waka poetry and waka cards. (Waka are traditional 31 syllable poems, so different from the 5,7,5 structure of haiku.) It's extremely interesting! I can even read and understand some of them! Progress in Japanese! It made for an especially interesting lesson from my point of view because I got a culture lesson!

スエードジャケットの成功!Suede jacket success!


I have a nice suede jacket but recently it looks old and dirty. The jacket is light blue and it's my favourite! I tried suede shampoo, washing it, taking it to the dry cleaners... But on Monday, I bought a stick suede cleaner. Fantastic! Now the collar looks new! Hooray!

Monday, February 11, 2008


Because of an early meeting this morning, I don't have much time. I want to go back to sleep!

Troop of the 100

このビデオが大好き! かんがえは100人がでたらめな人をあるきすぎる。。。とてもおもしろい!

I love this video! The general idea is that 100 people walk past an unsuspecting random person... Very funny!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


今そうじをおわった!ややした。。。日本に3年間に住んでいる。にだいこうてんした! たくさんのことが少しずつためているから、きれいなへやが ふかのうなことだ。。。!

Now I've finished my tidying. Well, almost done... It's a big change for the better! I've been in Japan for 3 years. Because I've gradually accumulated so much stuff, keeping my room tidy is almost impossible...!

Friday, February 8, 2008

そうじはめんどうくさい! Cleaning is a nuisance!


I was planning to go to Keio Mogusa Garden tomorrow because I want to see the plum blossom there. But my flat is incredibly messy, so it's high time I do some tidying. And that could take all day... What to do?!

おぼえるのはむずかしい!Remembering is difficult


In recent days, I'm studying a lot of new grammar, but I never use it. I find it difficult to remember it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

やった!JLPT4を成功した! Hooray! I passed JLPT4!



Yesterday, I was very happy. Today I am still happy. Why? Because I passed JLPT4. Next challenge is JLPT3. I can do it! Study hard!

JLPT4 is a basic Japanese test. You have to know basic grammar, about 800 words of vocabulary and 100 kanji.

また雪がふっている It's snowing again!


It's snowing again! Today, I will wear trainers and change when I get to work.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

東京の花 Tokyo flowers


On Sunday I bought a lovely book - it's called 'A Flower Lover's Guide to Tokyo'. The photos are beautiful. More importantly, some great walks are described. I'm looking forward to them!

Monday, February 4, 2008

新しい電気そうじき New vacuum cleaner


Today, I bought a new vacuum cleaner, because my old one broke. This new one is more powerful than the last. This afternoon, I watched the 4th Harry Potter film. It was good, but it would seem that I didn't see the 3rd...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

等々力の谷、東京 Todoroki Valley, Tokyo




There is a valley in Tokyo. Yes, honestly! And this morning, I went there。 Moreover, finally it snowed today! Hooray! It was beautiful!

I left home at 6:45 and got to Todoroki at 8:15. Walked for about an hour and then went to Jiyuugaoka or a Starbuck's coffee. After that, I went to Shibuya to do some shopping.

More photos at the link to the left.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

イタイー!!! Ouuuch!!!


Some background information is necessary! This is from a Japanese game show. The contestants are comedians, and the same every week. They are not allowed to laugh in this episode. On the video, he's also a comedian, but he's not acting apparently...

Friday, February 1, 2008

さよならはかなしい! Goodbyes are sad!


Yesterday was a sad day! I had to say goodbye to a very clever and fun student. She is only 9 years old, but her speaking is great! I received some beautiful origami and a sweet, long letter. But it was a shame because I didn't realise it was her last day. So I'll write a letter next week!