
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

今日も、いい天気だ!Another fine day!

今日もよあけにおきた。つづけることができるかな。。。じゃあ、早くおきて朝ごはんを食べて自転車で家を出た。今朝も、たいようがのぼったいる。きれいだった。I got up at dawn again today, maybe it can't continue... Anyway, I got up early, had breakfast and went out cycling. Again this morning, the sun was rising, beautiful!

いなかにすんでいるかな。ふつう町にコンビニがたくさんある。このファミリマートのかんばんがめずらしい。Maybe I live in the countyside. Usually in the towns, there are lots of convenience stores. This Family Mart sign is unusual.

でも、へいが高いから、いなかは少しつまらない。However, the countryside was a bit boring because there was a high wall.

家のちかくに到着したあとで、町のおてらを見た。このおてらは大晦日のおてらだ。それにつりがねだ。大きいね! After I got back to near home, I went to look at the local temple. This is the same temple as I saw on New Year's Eve. And that is the temple bell. Big innit!

つづける - continue
たいよう - sun
のぼる - rise (sun), climb
へい - wall
おてら - temple
動詞+ことが+できる - can + verb (plain)
つづけることができない - can't continue

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