Wednesday, May 28, 2008
漢字 Kanji
Recently, my kanji study was just reading. From now on I want to write too! So today I'm studying kanji!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
いつまでも Forever
With the help of a friend, I've improved the entry for 12 May! Look back for the update!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
雨がはげしくふっている Bucketing down
The rainy season still hasn't started, but it was bucketing down last night, incredibly noisy! I think probably it's because we're getting the edge of Typhoon 4.
Recently I've been pretty bad at this blog. It's because I've been studying the English meaning of kanji.
Friday, May 16, 2008
きれいな花 Beautiful flowers
Following a gardening conversation, a student very kindly gave me these beautiful flowers from her garden. They smell absolutely beautiful because they are old-fashioned roses. It was so kind, I feel really touched.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Useful tricks
The first is that in Word it is really easy to add the furigana above the kanji. If you highlight the section of text that you want furigana for, and then go to 'Format', Asian Layout', 'Phonetic Guide', then you get the option to add the readings. With the text that I used, the readings were spot-on. I don't know whether that was because Word 'remembers' the hiragana that you type or whether that was just luck... However, when you publish a word document to your blog, it only puts the reading in brackets after the kanji rather than above the kanji - shame.
The second is that you can publish a word document directly from Google Docs to your blog. In Google Docs open the file that you want to publish. Then go to 'Share', 'Publish to webpage', 'Post to blog' and type in your details.
The third is that if you have a Google Pages site as well then you can upload any file to your blog really easily, for example audio. See this page for details
Works a treat!
いつまでも Forever
4 いつまでも
4 Forever
The world is now brimming over with sorrow and grief
I can't make a proper judgement
Because I can't consider all of the problems, I'll tell you today
いつまでも いつまでも ななたを愛(あい)するそう決(き)めました
Forever forever you are my love
だからほら手をとって どんなことも乗(の)り越(こ)えて行きましょう
So here, let me take your hand, and we can overcome anything
In this town, we can't do anything about the problems, we cry about the contradictions in behaviour
If I look up at the clear blue sky, I never feel the bad things
大きな流(なが)れに飲(の)み込(こ)まれても 揺(ゆ)るがない意志(いし)を持(も)っていて
I'm going against the flow, I won't be influenced by other opinions
いつまでも いつまでも あなたと生(い)きてくそう決(き)めました
Forever forever I decided we should be together
だからほら力合(ちからあ)わせ どんなことも乗(の)り越(こ)えて行きましょう
So together we can overcome anything
大きな流(なが)れに弱(よわ)み見せても ゆるぎない心捨(こころす)てないで
When I feel I might be influenced, please don't give up on me
いつまでも いつまでも あなたを愛(あい)するそう決(き)めてました
Forever forever you are you are my love
だからほら手をとって どんなことも乗(の)り越(こ)えて行きましょう
So here let me take your hand, we can overcome anything
だから今 力合(ちからあ)わせ どんあことも乗(の)り越(こ)えて行きましょう
So now together we can overcome anything
Friday, May 9, 2008
歌詞 Lyrics
Yesterday, I started translating the lyrics to one of my favourite songs. First, I translated the written lyrics from kanji to hiragana. While reading the lyrics, I listened to the song and wrote down the hiragana. Now I've started translating into English.
Also yesterday, because I had a late start, I had a long lunch at a local restaurant to my school. It was a wholefood restaurant/shop gallery. The vegetable and chicken curry set with coffee and tiramisu was delicious! I want to go again! I was there for about one hour because I got talking to an old lady. It was sometimes a bit tricky, especially when she started talking about religion... But good practice!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Amazon delivery
江ノ島 Enoshima
I went to Enoshima last week. It's about 3 hours away by train.
Enoshima is a small mountain of an island. Some mountains just have a path to the top, others have a cable car, Enoshima has a series of escalators... You can walk up too, but it was late in the day when I got there, so I got the escalator up and walked down.
And the sign in the lift of my hotel. Having reassured me that the white box under the bed is not a bomb, the sign suggests that I rest in peace... Hmmmm!
パラレルワールド Alternate Universe
I live in a very traditional Japanese town, I think I'm probably the only westerner there. Just now, at about 10am, I went to the supermarket. Because it was opening time, there was a welcome announcement. But it was in perfect English... I wasn't listening, but I would guess that the announcement was first in Japanese. The English announcement was about 1 minute long, I only realised it was strange at the end... Utterly bizarre.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
リラックスしている Relaxing
This week is all about relaxing. I've been doing a little study, a little reading and a lot of gardening! I took a JLPT3 practice test, but only got 47%. Keep trying! The test is in December, so by December I've got to improve! Well then, I'd better study harder hadn't I?!
Anyway, now I'm going to do some gardening...