I knew it was going to be busy, and that theoretically to be close to the front, I would have to get there at least an hour before the gates opened at 9:30am. Got there at 9am instead because that still meant getting up at the crack of dawn.
Again the queues were amazing. The atmosphere was great, they gave out Japanese flags to everyone, and I felt quite patriotic! People didn't mind queueing, because it was a nice opportunity to see the Emperor (behind bullet-proof glass). The Inner Garden of the Imperial Palace is only open twice a year to wave to the Emperor - once on his birthday (23rd December) and then again on 2nd January. It was very efficiently organised, routes were clearly laid out, they did bag security and body pat-downs before you went in, and then you joined the latest queue.
There were probably more older Japanese people there than younger people, quite a few families, and quite a few right-wing nationalist groups too. But the atmosphere was friendly and it was definitely worth getting up early for!
The Emperor and Empress appeared at 10:10am (the first appearance of 5 that day), along with the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, and other members of the Imperial Family. They waved to the crowd who all waved, waved their flags and cheered. Then the Emperor gace his New's Greeting, and then lots more waving and cheering! More pictures to the left.
Hey, I also wanted to go this day, but somehow got up late etc, so I did not go. But, I went last year and I was also late, so I just saw policemen taking down security gate.
Good that you went! I guess it was cold outside in morning.
Maybe you'll get there one day :)
It was tough getting up at that time - it took about an hour and a half to get there - zzzzz!
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