
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Odaiba お台場

No, I'm not in New York with the Statue of Liberty!  I've been to this area of Tokyo (Odaiba) a fair few times, but have only just now got round to uploading some pictures from when I went again sometime back in May this year!  The first picture is, of course, of the copy of the Statue of Liberty.  Apparently, in addition to the Statue of Liberty in New York, there are also two replicas of the statue in France (where the New York one was made). One of these was sent to Tokyo in 1998 for "French Year in Japan". It was so popular that a replica was erected in 2000, after the original was sent back to Paris.

It is near a shopping centre called Venus Fort in Palette Town.  Venus Fort is an Italianate style indoor shopping centre with an artificial sky painted on the roof that changes colour from night to day!  Great fun!

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