It's been a long time again since my last post! The last few weeks have been very busy with work and being a bit run down, and I just haven't had a chance to add to the blog or indeed anything else! Today, luckily I didn't get called out to cover anyone, so at last I have some time to catch up with myself!
Even though I haven't been writing on the blog, I am still studying. Last week, I bought 3 books to add to my frighteningly growing Japanese library - a bilingual cookery book, a Level 3 grammar book (because I still don't feel confident in my grammar) and a Level 2 kanji and reading book. There's no way that I'm going to be able to take Level 2 this year, I will probably re-take Level 3 in December and try and get a better score - but I want to keep studying and improving past this level.
Today is a beautiful day! Recently it's been raining, windy and cold, but today it's a beautiful sunny day! I even got a chance to sit for a while on my balcony, for the 2nd time this year! It looks from the weather forecast this week that Spring might be on its way - supposedly the daytime temperature this week should hover around the 14C mark, fingers crossed eh!